How To Create An All-Time Christmas Music Playlist

Christmas music playlist online

Planning for your Christmas music playlist is not just a way to get ready for the holidays; it’s also a fun project that allows you to explore the wide world of music. You can find all kinds of suggestions on how to create an all-time Christmas playlist online. You can even look at lists of what other people listen to during the holidays. But more importantly, creating this kind of list is something anyone can do. If you’re willing to spend some time thinking about what songs make sense together and how they fit into their own context around specific holidays, then you’re certainly in good shape with this project. We’ll show you how below!

Start with the classics

Understanding the significance of traditional holiday music is key because these classics have shaped what we consider the quintessential holiday experience. Christmas music playlist encompasses a wide array of styles and genres, offering everything from solemn hymns to jolly pop tunes. If you’re unsure about where to begin, starting with iconic albums and tracks is a wise choice. Familiarizing yourself with these classics not only gives you a solid foundation of universally loved tunes but also helps inspire your own selections by highlighting what resonates most with listeners during the holiday season.

While it may seem exhausting to sort through these myriad options, especially during the busy holiday period, organizing your favorite classics is a rewarding first step. Begin by compiling a list of must-have albums or songs that evoke the spirit of Christmas music playlist for you. Once you have your essential classics lined up, you can then delve into curating your playlist more creatively. Extract individual tracks from these albums and begin assembling them into a dedicated playlist folder, such as one named “Christmas Playlist Hits” in your preferred music service. This method allows you to mix and match songs from various albums and artists, crafting a personalized playlist that captures the essence of the holiday as you see it, ensuring your Christmas soundtrack is as festive and unique as your celebrations.

Remember the newer hits

It is crucial to explore newer hits when expanding your Christmas music playlist to include fresh and contemporary sounds. Keeping up with the latest releases can breathe new life into your holiday music collection, ensuring it remains vibrant and engaging. If you’re not sure where to start, using a music service like Jukeboxy can be extremely helpful. Jukeboxy curates a wide range of music, including the newest hits and trends, making it easier for you to discover recent tracks that might resonate with your holiday spirit. This approach ensures your playlist is not only rich in classics but also brimming with modern flair that can appeal to a diverse audience.

Additionally, consider leveraging popular online shopping platforms such as Amazon Music to scout for new music. These platforms often have sections dedicated to top-selling albums, complete with user reviews and detailed descriptions. This feature allows you to see what’s trending globally and provides insights into each album, helping you make informed decisions about which new songs might deserve a spot in your Christmas music playlist. By exploring these reviews and top album lists, you can gauge public sentiment and popularity, ensuring that the newer additions to your playlist are well-received and enjoyed by listeners who appreciate current musical trends alongside timeless classics.

Christmas music streaming online

Make sure you add in some new favorites every year

Every year brings a slew of new holiday songs and covers from a variety of artists, and these tunes can quickly become new classics if given a chance. Adding them to your playlist not only keeps your selection up-to-date but also enriches your holiday experience with modern takes on the festive season. If you notice a new song gaining popularity upon its release, particularly if it climbs the charts on platforms like Apple Music or Spotify, it’s a good indicator that it resonates with listeners. Such tracks are likely to maintain their appeal for some time, making them perfect additions to your Christmas music collection.

Incorporating these new hits early ensures your playlist remains relevant and engaging. Songs that debut with high ratings often reflect current musical trends and public preferences, making them ideal candidates for inclusion in your playlist. Pay attention to these trends and user feedback on music streaming platforms, as they provide valuable insights into what’s capturing the audience’s interest during the holiday season. By continually refreshing your playlist with new and popular songs, you not only keep the holiday spirit alive but also connect with a wider audience who appreciates staying current with the latest music developments.

Think about what your customer wants to hear

Customers are more likely to listen to music they like, so it’s important that you keep this in mind when making selections for the playlists. You can also see which artists and songs are most popular, which will give you some ideas on where to begin with curating a Christmas music playlist. If possible, ask customers what kind of music they’d like as well!

Extra Resource: How To Soundtrack Your Brand?

Make it a collaborative process

Making your Christmas playlist a collaborative process can significantly enhance its appeal and inclusivity. The best way to create an all-time great Christmas playlist is by involving others in the selection process. If you’re curating this playlist for a business setting, consider asking your customers or employees about their favorite holiday songs. This not only makes your playlist more diverse and representative of your community but also boosts morale by showing that you value their input. For a more personal touch, engage family members in the process. They can offer up fresh suggestions and share recent discoveries that might blend perfectly into your existing mix. This approach is particularly beneficial if you’re crafting a Christmas music playlist for the first time and need a broad base of ideas to ensure it’s well-rounded and enjoyable for everyone.

Additionally, involving others in the playlist creation can spark conversations and build a sense of community around music, which is especially meaningful during the holiday season. Whether it’s through informal polls, social media interactions, or direct conversations, gathering music suggestions can turn playlist building into a fun and engaging activity. This collective effort not only results in a playlist that’s rich with varied musical tastes and styles but also enhances the holiday experience, making it more memorable for everyone involved. By making playlist creation a collaborative endeavor, you not only capture the magic of Christmas music playlist but also foster a shared holiday spirit that resonates well beyond the music itself.

Make sure you are playing music legally at your business

Whether playing from a CD, downloaded Content or a music service, make sure you comply with the Music Copyright Law

In the USA, there are four organizations that collect royalties on behalf of copyright owners: ASCAPBMI, SESAC, and GMR. In order to play music in a business establishment, including Christmas music, a business must obtain blanket licenses from these organizations. If not, consequences could be harsh, as we covered in one of our articles, “What To Know About Music Licensing.”

Creating your own Christmas music playlist might sound like a fun activity; however, there are a few things you should consider:

  • Time spent – do you have the time to create the ultimate Christmas playlist? 
  • Licensing budget – do you have the budget to cover the fees for all four organizations? A medium-sized business spends a few thousand dollars annually for blanket licenses.
  • Explicit Content – did you know that there are explicit Christmas songs in personal use music services? 
  • Expertise – creating a playlist for business use is much more complicated than making one for your own entertainment.
business music streaming service

Subscribe to a business music streaming service

Now that you’ve made your list and settled on a few songs to include, the next step is finding a music streaming service with all of these features. 

  • Commercially licensed background music for business use
  • A wide range of tracks 
  • Good user interface (UI) for browsing through playlists and choosing songs
  • Good mobile app so you can listen on the go without having to open up another app or browser window.
  • Customer support


Creating your own all-time Christmas music playlist is an excellent way to start the holiday season. However, a business must keep in mind the consequences of streaming music from their personal library, whether it is from CDs or a music service like Spotify.

Subscribing to a business music service provider as Jukeboxy will:

  • Prevent copyright infringement, 
  • Give you more time for other aspects of your business and 
  • Give you a piece of mind knowing appropriate songs will play throughout the holiday season.

Jukeboxy ensures that there are tracks from different genres and eras in every playlist. This way, you can keep things fresh even after years of listening to the same old hits on repeat!

Did you know? You could transfer your own playlist to your Jukeboxy Music for Business account. 

Suggested Article: Christmas Music – A Checklist to Help You Find The Perfect Christmas Music for Business