Apr 06

Importance of Music in Coffee Houses

Coffee houses provide their patrons a place to meet, read, write, work, study, and socialize. They have comfy couches, desks, complimentary wi-fi, newspapers, magazines. It almost feels like you are in your living room and enjoying a cup of coffee and music while reading the news. The background music in a coffee house should also […]

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Apr 04

How to Open a Unique Coffee Shop in 2022?

There are 200+ million people drinking coffee every day in the U.S. alone, which clearly indicates that there has never been a better time to open a coffee shop. There is a growing trend among Americans to visit their neighborhood coffee shops rather than drink at home.   As of 2022, there are 65,410 Coffee & Snack […]

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Mar 04

Coffee Shop Music Genres – How to Choose the Right Music for Coffee Shop?

High-quality products, excellent customer service, fresh baked goods are key factors for a coffee shop’s success, but they are not the only ones. As part of the aesthetic element, the ambiance and music played in the background should also be considered. Having good background music helps create a relaxing mood within the coffee place. When people […]

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Sep 17

Guide to Open Your Own Coffee Shop in 7+1 steps

Multibillion-dollar market exist for coffee globally. The US coffee industry alone is a $14 billion market. In 2020, COVID caused a slight decline, but the trend toward coffee is increasing again. The coffee industry’s growth is underway, making it an excellent time to open a coffee shop. You may not be sure where to start; […]

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